K300 Statistics, Prof. Kruschke
Homework 2, Due at the beginning of class, Tuesday January 25, 2005.
Be sure to write your name and ID on every page make a copy of
your homework for your own records and exam study staple (not
paper clip) your pages write clearly annotate your
computations -- an unannotated sequence of numbers and derivations
that mysteriously ends up with the correct numerical answer will
not be given full credit answer every part of every
question (unless instructed otherwise).
- 5 pts. Page 54, #8.
- 5 pts. Page 56, #20.
- 5 pts. Page 56, #22.
- 5 pts. Page 130, #13.
- 5 pts. Page 130, #14 and #15.
- 5 pts. Page 130, #19, but don't do part (c).
- 5 pts. Page 131, #20, but don't do part (f).
- 5 pts. Page 131, #21, but don't do part (d).