For info about
the review session time and place, see the Discussion
Exam 1 Review Topics
The exam consists of 32 multiple choice questions
and 1 short-answer question. All of the topics of these questions are
listed below.
Question topics:
- The knowledge organization diagram from the syllabus.
- Approaches to the study of cogntion ("Disorders" book, pp. 3+).
- The concerns of the Gestalt psychologists (both textbooks).
- Marr's theory of vision: The computational level (both textbooks,
but especially "Action").
- Marr's theory of vision: The contents of the three types of
representations (primal sketch, 2 1/2 D sketch, object description;
both textbooks, but expecially "Action").
- The interactive activation model of face perception (both
textbooks and web page).
- Definition and examples of perceptual constancy.
- The moon illusion (lecture; mentioned in "Disorders" p. 32).
- Bottom-up context effects such as configurations of triangles
- Feature theories of face perception ("Action" textbook).
- Associationism vs. hypothesis testing in learning ("Action"
- Attribute listing for different levels of categories (lecture and
"Action" textbook).
- Examples of prototype, exemplar and rule-based categories.
- The analogy of concept learning with scientific method (lecture
and web page)
- The specific models in the homework about category learning.
- Implications of results from typicality judgments for theories of
categorization ("Action" textbook).
- Shadowing experiments and implications for early or late selection
theories of attention (both textbooks, but mostly "Action").
- Selective learning experiment and its implications ("Action"
textbook p. 81 and lecture).
- The card trick demonstrated in class (and on the web).
- Visual search experiments: Results and implications ("Disorders"
textbook and web page).
- The psychological refractory period and the RT-accuracy experiment
(p. 132-134 of "Action").
- Automaticity and practice, especially regarding the Stroop effect
("Action" textbook).
- Definition of automaticity.
- Logic of double dissociation.
- Apperceptive vs. associative agnosia.
- Disorders of face and expression perception.
- Blindsight --- what is it and how is it explained?
- Recognizing typical or unusual views of objects.