P335 Cognitive Psychology, Prof. John K. Kruschke

Late Policy

All exams and homeworks are mandatory.

If you know in advance that you will be missing an exam or homework due date, please notify Professor Kruschke as soon as possible, and well before the due date, so that alternative arrangements can be made.

If you unexpectedly miss an exam or homework due date, you must notify Professor Kruschke as soon as possible, preferably the same day, by phone or e-mail if not in person. Only documented emergencies will be excused.

If an exam is missed, a make-up exam might have a different format than the exam given in class, at the instructor's discretion.

Penalty for unexcused late homework is as follows: One third of the points possible are deducted off the top for homework handed in up to a week late. After a week, a score of zero is assigned. Thus, for homework handed in less than a week late, a maximum of 13 points (= 2/3 x 20) is possible. For homework handed in more than a week late, no points are awarded.

How to contact Professor Kruschke:
Office: Room 336 Psychology Bldg.
Office phone: 855-3192
Psychology Department Receptionist: 855-2012
E-mail: kruschke@indiana.edu