P554 Statistics in Psych, Prof. Kruschke

P554 Statistics in Psychology, Prof. Kruschke
Homework for Ch. 7. Due at beginning of class, Tu 20 Feb 2007.

General instructions. Please write your full name at the top of every page you hand in. Please collate and staple your pages together. Please write clearly and thoroughly explain all your computations; an unannotated series of formulas that mysteriously ends up with the correct number will not be given full credit. When doing the homework, you are encouraged to use all resources at your disposal to the extent that they help you learn the material; nevertheless, you must write your own answers in your own words.

  1. (4 pts.)
    p. 346 #8. Please answer in your own words, and be sure to explain the computation of df.

  2. (8 pts.)
    p. 346 #9, parts a, c and d (not b, e or f) AND also do an interaction contrast in which Desensitization and Insight are contrasted against Implosion for the two levels of phobia. Do this in SPSS; cut and paste only the relevant output table from the SPSS output to your homework, and intersperse your written answers with the relevant output tables to clearly indicate your answer to each part of the problem. (The data file included with the book mis-labels the levels of phobia; don't let that confuse you!)

  3. (8 pts.)
    p. 348, #12. Do this in SPSS. Again, cut and paste only the relevant parts of the output, and intersperse your written answers to clearly indicate your answer to each part of the problem.