Below are two biographical sketches for the 2018 Provost Professor induction ceremony. The first sketch is the one Kruschke wrote and submitted, and the second sketch is the one they subsequently wrote and published.
The sketch Kruschke wrote and submitted when they requested:
Kruschke grew up in northern California, and during his
teenage years he dreamed of a career in astronomy. Despite that dream,
he declined a scholarship to study astrophysics at Michigan State
University because he was afraid of moving to the Midwest. While an
undergraduate at Berkeley, he decided he would be disappointed by a
career in astrophysics because he would be spending all his time staring
at computer screens instead of gazing at the stars. He ultimately
shifted his studies to cognitive psychology, which, it turns out,
requires spending all his time staring at computer screens to analyze
what people do when staring at computer screens. In 1989, after six
years of graduate school with no publications and no dissertation, the
IU Psychology Department made the audacious move to interview him. On
the airline flight returning from the interview, Kruschke read an
article that had been handed to him by an IU professor, and before the
plane landed Kruschke knew he had to create a completely new
dissertation project, which he produced during his first year as a
lecturer at IU. The IU Psychology department convinced Kruschke that the
Midwest is not such a scary place after all.
Aside from fear,
another major motivator for Kruschke has been annoyance: annoyance at
shoddy explanations. The urge to explain stuff has been lifelong, from a
demonstration of Saturn‑V rocket stages using cardboard tubes when he
was in the fifth grade (unfortunately no flames were involved), to
self-designed tutorials in linear algebra while he was an undergraduate
(no flames there either), to a YouTube video explaining a cup-passing
game when he was supposedly a mature adult (still no flames). The
lifelong temerity to presume he could explain stuff without using
pyrotechnics continued into his teaching of statistics at IU. But the
more he taught traditional statistical methods, the more annoyed he
became, and the more convinced he was that science needed Bayesian
statistics. He wished someone would write an accessible book on Bayesian
stats, and he realized that “someone” would have to be him. After only
several thousand hours of relentless effort, there emerged two editions
of the book, Doing Bayesian Data Analysis, which is notable for the
doggies on its cover and the doggerel that begins each chapter. Finally
flames can be involved, as some critics have wished the book to be
In a desperate effort to avoid burn out, Kruschke has
changed his research focus over the years. In the early years, he
created a series of mathematical models of attention in learning.
Computer simulations of the models mimicked aspects of human behavior,
such as what people learn to pay attention to. Kruschke then completely
shifted his attention to Bayesian statistical methods. A strong impetus
for the shift was a moral emotion, a feeling of being lied to by
traditional methods (“perfidious p values and the con game of confidence
intervals”). Moral motivations have now become the focus of his
research. The research asks questions such as, What is going on in
people’s minds when they make judgments of right or wrong action? How do
people mete out appropriate punishments? And, How do people judge good
or bad character? By pondering these questions now, Kruschke hopes he
can lead a life of wisdom in retirement. But he’ll probably just be
staring at computer screens, wishing he were gazing at the stars.
The sketch they subsequently created and published:
Kruschke is professor in the Department of Psychological and Brian
Sciences, adjunct professor in statistics, and a core member of the
cognitive science program. He received his Ph.D. in cognitive psychology
from the University of California, Berkeley in 1990 and has been at
Indiana University since 1989.
Kruschke is known for his
substantive and methodological contributions to the fields of cognitive
science and cognitive psychology. In particular, he has made monumental
contributions to research in experimental psychology in two major areas:
attention in learning and Bayesian data analysis. He made a theoretical
breakthrough by creating a new theory of attention and category
learning, formalized as a connectionist learning model, based on
rigorous mathematical as well as computer simulation methods. The models
implement specific psychological principles, such as, learning driven by
maximizing improvement in accuracy and memory represented by exemplars
of learned items. His work on this topic has been published in the
premier theoretical journal of psychology, Psychological Review. In
particular, his 1992 article is considered to be a classic and has been
cited almost 2,000 times. His colleague Robert Nosofsky notes of this
work: “The resulting models are among the most elegantly formalized and
impressive ones in the field today. The psychological principles are
formalized in a conceptually clear and parsimonious fashion, and models
yield outstanding quantitative fits to intricate and challenging sets of
experimental data.”
Kruschke’s other major contribution has
been his advancement of Bayesian statistical analysis methods in the
psychological sciences. The methods that have dominated the field for
many decades are based on null hypothesis statistical testing (NHST).
Kruschke has been the leader in his field to draw attention to the deep
flaws in the logic that underlies NHST as well as the inappropriate
procedures by which these methods are generally applied. He has
advocated for the use of Bayesian statistical analysis as a remedy for
many of the prevalent flaws in statistical analysis. This line of
research has resulted in many influential articles as well as the
736-page textbook, Doing Bayesian Data Analysis, 2nd Edition (Elsevier,
2015), which has been cited more than 1,500 times and is considered an
instant classic.
Kruschke has taught an undergraduate course
in cognitive psychology for eleven years, courses in models of cognitive
sciences for fifteen years, and courses in statistics for twenty-four
years. Students have consistently rated him an excellent teacher, and
his devotion to teaching has earned him Teaching Excellence Recognition
Awards from the IU Trustees eight times. He has also received four
different teaching development grants and fellowships, including the
Instructional Development Summer Fellowship in 1993 and 2006 and Grants
to Enhance Active Learning in 1997 and 2005. Since 2010, he has
presented 45 tutorials and extended workshops, most resulting from
In honor of his scholarly contributions, Kruschke
was elected a fellow of the prestigious Society of Experimental
Psychologists in 2006. He also won the highly competitive Troland
Research Award from the National Academy of Sciences in 2002 and a First
Award Grant from NIMH from 1994 to 1999. His stature in the field has
been recognized in the form of his service on prestigious editorial
boards and grant review panels.